The Analytical Strength That Says, "Prove It!"
"Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so." Galileo Galilei
Do you like to ask profound questions to understand the cause and effect?
Do you rely on the evident to base your decisions?
Are you objective and data driven?
If you like to think critically and facts are important to you, you just might have the Clifton Strength of Analytical. Analytical thinkers like to ask thought provoking questions to get to the facts. They seek to get at the core of a subject and consider all of the factors that affect a situation to get to the heart of the matter.
"The important thing is never to stop asking questions." Albert Einstein
That is something analytical thinkers do well, ask questions. They have more questions than answers and they are at their best when they have authoritative data to support their reasoning. They trust data and are able to see the complex picture and condense it down to verifiable truth. They think logically and with precision. They are also good at helping people to arrange their ideas in a systematic way.
Did the disciple Thomas have the analytical Strength?
"Now Thomas, one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus appeared to the them after His resurrection. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” A week later His disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” Then He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe." John 20:24-27
Balconies and Basements
Every strength has balconies and basements. Balconies are the sunny side of our strengths. Basements are the negative perceptions that people have of the strength or theme. For instance, "balconies" for someone with the analytical strength is what they are known for; being logical, liking data, being objective, and wanting sound theories that are factual, pragmatic, or measurable. On the other hand, the basements, are that the analytical thinker may come across as apathetic, over-analyzing, skeptical, or too serious.
People with the analytical strength should seek jobs that challenge them to think critically, analyze data, problem solve, do research, or use data and numbers. These careers may include marketing, medical analysis, finance and accounting, risk management, or research analyst. You can benefit your organization by providing your team with a strategic plan to help test whether the decisions the company is making are effective. As a result of your logic, the team will be able to move forward with more certainty. Your strength will be helpful in defusing emotions with solutions that are based on evidence.
If you want to connect with someone with an analytical mind, such as your spouse, your child, or a colleague, ask their view point on an issue. In this way, you are inviting them to share something that is important to them and allowing them to relate with you on a more profound level. Another way to relate to someone with the analytical strength is to ask them to assist you to simplify your ideas, a project, or something that is complex in nature. Give them permission to ask penetrating questions, be direct with your request, and be clear on your expectations of the request.
Leveraging the Analytical Strength
Only twelve percent of people have analytical in their top five strengths. If you have analytical in your top five strengths, be proactive in exploring creditable sources that enable you to be inquisitive and gain knowledge. Ask questions that allows the people in your life to think with you.
How do you collaborate best with your teammates?
When was the last time you asked someone to talk through a problem?
How are you being proactive in seeking credible sources to fuel your curiosity?
"Eliminate all other factors and the one that remains must be the truth."
Sherlock Holmes