Recalculating Transition
How do you recalculate and benefit from transition?
Transition is a part of life. It is something that happens to us from the time we are children. For example, we transition to school and making friends, which continues throughout our youth and for some into adulthood, as we work on our bachelors and masters or PhD. There are transition points of life and some are fun and energizing, while others can be difficult and overwhelming, such as career transition, divorce, or children leaving the home.
Some transitions are out of our control, such as a layoff or an illness. Transitions are also a time when God speaks to us. He intentionally makes us uncomfortable so that we may seek His will and discernment toward the next step of our lives. Transition can give us a sense of sadness at times, or bring our confidence down, or make us feel stuck. I want to assure you, this is normal. Staying in transition, as in being stuck, is not a good place to be though. How do you get “unstuck?” How do you recalculate your circumstances and come out on top?
Honestly, this is a great opportunity to get curious and ask yourself some very important questions. Use this time as a time to grow, challenge yourself, and even recreate yourself!
Clarify your values
What are your hopes and dreams?
What is your life purpose?
What do you want to do in life?
When do you feel the strongest and most confident?
What are you feeling during this transition?
What are your challenges and obstacles?
What brings you life, gets you up in the morning, and energizes you?
Keys to successful transition:
Start by evaluating where you are and where you want to be. This can be your current emotional state to recalculating your life in a new direction. This is where clarifying your values is important. Once you clarify your values, write your action plan. What are the steps you need to take to reach your goals? Keep your goals visible so that you can stay focused. Don’t be afraid to dream or take a risk. Envision your dream.
As you start dreaming and clarifying your goals, think about the things that are hindering your growth. You might need to ask yourself; why do I feel this way or why am I stuck? I like to start with the end in mind. Feeling stuck can be uncomfortable and it can even be draining, but as you begin to process the situation, your feelings, your goals, and your obstacles, you will begin to find new direction and be able to focus more clearly on the end goal. Use this time to reflect, learn, grow, and challenge yourself. Once you have an action plan, you know how you are getting to your destination and there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Remember your purpose. This is your, “why?” We all need a reason for what we are doing. For instance, when I decided to get my bachelor’s degree, there were times I asked myself, “Why am I doing this?” I am sure I am not the only student who has ever asked this question. I was working full time, raising a family, involved in ministry, going to classes and studying, sometimes pulling an all-nighter. There was a short season when I wondered what my purpose in going back to school was. Remembering my purpose gave me the energy I needed to push myself to where I wanted to be and why I was going to school in the first place. I also had family and friends rooting for me, reminding me the gifts God had given me and how I was going to use my education to help others. Helping others is my calling.
So again, clarify your goals, set your new compass direction, recalculate your action plan, stay focused on your purpose, and find your biggest cheerleaders to root for you!
Transition is uncomfortable, but it can also be an exciting time for a new beginning! A new you! A new adventure! Whatever course you’re on, just know that God is in control. Let Him hold the compass and direct your path. He will get you to where you are meant to be.
Trust in the Lord with all your strength and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6