The Little Things That Mean A Lot
Every day should be a day of love! Our Lord and Savior made us in His own godly image, an image of love and holiness. That is who we are called to be.
I seriously love February! Not only is it the month I celebrate my wedding anniversary with my wonderful, godly husband, but the month when everyone gets to celebrate Valentine’s Day! It is “just” another day to celebrate love. What does that look like in practical terms? How do we show our love to the one who stole our heart?
Chocolate and roses are good indeed, but that is only a small portion of how our love can be expressed. How do you show your spouse love on a daily basis? Here are just a few ideas:
1. Love at First Sight!
I mean, after you’re up and showered, kiss your spouse each morning before you begin your day.
2. Consider their Love Language.
How will you keep their love tank filled today?Will it be through time spent together, a touch, leaving a note, a small gift, or helping with the dishes?
3. Keeping Romance Alive!
How are you keeping the romantic adventure alive in your marriage?Are you entering his or her world with:
Regular talks? When was the last time you asked your spouse, “How was your day? What do you need from me today to make your day a little easier? Is there anything I can do that would make you feel loved by me?” Having regular talks helps you stay connected to the one you love.
Walking hand in hand as you share your intimate feelings, struggles, and dreams?
Shared activities, such as bike riding, beach time, or visiting the tide pools, just to name a few.
Enjoying God’s beauty! Watching the sunset together, going on a nature walk, or simply enjoying a picnic at your favorite scenic spot.
God time in your marriage. Having regular devotional time together and praying for each other.
4. Intimacy.
How are you connecting with your spouse daily? Whether its eye contact, hugging or holding hands, regular connection helps keep the love alive.
5. Date Nights!
Date nights or time spent together are so important and don’t have to involve money, but they are a way to keep your marriage in the spring and summer months. (Dr. Gary Chapman, Four Seasons of Marriage)
6. Reminisce when you first met
Do you ever reminisce about when you first met and the things you did together early on in your relationship? Are you still doing those things? Are you keeping old adventures alive or creating new ones?
When I meet with couples who are struggling in their marriage, I will usually ask them to remember when they first met and how they fell in love. I ask them, “When was the last time the both of you went on a date?” or simply did something just the two of them. Reminiscing brings back those old feelings and helps them remember what drew them to each other in the first place. This is also a good place to begin to reset your marriage and start new, if you are struggling or stagnant in your marriage.
7. Just simply say those magic words, “I love you!
There is an old song that Brenda Lee sings called “Little Things Mean A Lot.” It reminds us about those small, every day actions that say, “I love you.” Whether it’s blowing a kiss from across the room, touching their hair as you pass their chair, or a smile, our every day actions convey a lot.
Is your marriage thriving today? Is your marriage just coasting? Are you struggling to keep your marriage alive because of an old wound or broken trust? Let this be the day that you say, “I’m sorry,” and begin to allow God to bring healing into your marriage.
Start small, because “Little things mean a lot!”
Walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us . . . Ephesians 5:2