The Great Resignation Continues: 12 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Your Next Career Move
So, you want to quit your job? What's your next move? Are you quitting because you are unhappy? There is no upward mobility? You don't...

"The Great Resignation" Is Creating Waves: The "Aha" Moment Causing People To Rethink Their Life
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics nearly four million people have left their jobs. The return to the office has caused a spark...

Cast The Net and God will Anchor it! Finding Success: Ask, Seek, Knock
I heard the other day that people spend 4 to 7 hours daily watching TV. Wow! That was an attention grabber for me. It just made me stop...

10 Productive Steps To Leverage During Your Job Search
Stay current in the job market. 10 steps to leverage during your job search and get you started on the right path.

Groundhog Day: An Invitation To Be Creative, Innovative, And Think Outside The Box
Groundhog Day: An Invitation To Be Creative, Innovative, And Think Outside The Box

Is It The Right Time For A Career Move?
These uncertain times can take us on a completely new journey. It might jolt us into a time of reflection into looking at where we are...

Three Things My Mother Taught Me
Once upon a time when I was a little girl, I grew up moving a lot. Every year was a new place and new people. My childhood friends used...

The Art of Fruitful Labor: From Office to Working Remotely
The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, ordered a state-wide shelter in place as the threat of the Coronavirus continues to devastate...

Cast The Net and God will Anchor it! Finding Success: Ask, Seek, Knock
We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. Joseph Campbell I heard the other...

How to Ace the Journey from High School to College Life
First of all, congratulations! You got accepted into college. You made it! Breathe. Dream. The wind blows and a sail is set in a new...